If it was not for you
I do not know what
I would have been today
What I would have been doing
U have been there all through out
The good times and the bad times
U always existed in me
U cannot be felt or be touched
But I always felt your presence
Through the words that u whispered
Softly through my sensory organs
Giving me feel of clarity and connectivity
Leading to momentary serene existence
If it was not for you
I would have been lost
In this wicked world
You gave me the courage to question the existence
You helped me to take decisions
You brought meaning to everyday existence
For if it was not you
I could have been a gangster
I could have been a drug user
I could been a militant
But you showed me the path
The path I am to take
For if it was not you
I would have not enjoyed
Spending time with myself
Not sing a song to myself
Not read a book to myself
Not enjoy the food I cook
Not pursue the passions
Be humane to other humane existent
The advice that u rendered
When I am about to take more pegs
The support that you provided
When I am about to fall off the ground
The reassurance that you provide
When things does not go my way
The confidence u instil when
I sit for an interview or an exam
The choice u helped me take
In persons I wanna be with
For if it was not you
I could have been of bizarre souless soul
For if it was not you
I would have been cursing my existence
But it's for you
That I exist today
As you have brought me so far
And will take me further
For forever I remain indebted in you
To the best friend 'The voice within'
My dear friend, please keep knocking on my inner doors when I am about to go ashtray.
(The views are personal)
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